
Your posture may have been misaligned when you sit or stand or even when you lie in your bed – either for a short time or for years. You may have made a habit of carrying a heavy bag incorrectly on your back. In time, one side of your spine will become stronger than the other. An injury may have forced your posture into misalignment as the healthy part of your spine has compensated for and protected the injury. You may have used incorrect working postures for years. You may even have one or more working positions that use one side of your back than the other. The list is almost endless.

In adulthood, our muscles, tendons, bones and joints begin to lose elasticity and these parts of our body are more likely to become irritated or overloaded.

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Misaligned pelvis and hips

Many people have pain in the achilles tendon, hip and knee. Unfortunately, they will not always receive a diagnosis of the cause of the imbalance further up in the body. The tendency is therefore only to address symptoms locally. It is important to focus on maintaining a straight posture/aligned body – including the pelvis and hip. If you revert to a bad habit – this is usually only a matter of time – you very soon return to status quo and will find that you have the same pain and repeated injuries. It is important to introduce healthy habits in everyday life. To avoid pelvic pain, you should maintain a correctly aligned posture/body. A stable and correct posture keeps your body aligned in a natural position.

How can Align Footwear® insoles help?

Align Footwear® insoles help to straighten up – align – your body into the natural position. The insoles coax your feet into the correct position so that you walk, run, jump and stand correctly in your shoes. Re-alignment has a positive impact on the skeleton, from the ankle right up.

Align Footwear® insoles enhance movement, comfort and performance. They promote better posture and body alignment in your kinetic chain and improve your well-being. When your body is aligned and you move correctly, i.e. in the natural position, the load of every step you take is more evenly distributed. Our insoles reduce destructive shock waves throughout your body every time your feet hit the ground. This makes for less pressure of the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.

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